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All-in-one UI / UX design platform to create UI assets, prototypes and simulations

Design and prototyping tool for web and mobile apps
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From clickable prototypes to functional simulations

Create from clickable prototypes to fully-functional simulations, without typing a single line of code. We provide a full range of tools, so that you can focus on creating delightful user experiences. Testing through simulations will reduce rework and boost user adoption.

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Design full interactions of your web and mobile products, from the navigation to the last details of the user experience: advanced interactions, animations, transitions, interactive UI elements. Launch easy to use products and boost user adoption.

 Web interactions for prototyping websites and web apps
Web interactions

Design web experiences with a full range of interactions, animations and transitions. Create anything from simple links to advanced interactions.

Gestures for prototyping mobile apps
Mobile gestures

Choose from a ton of gestures that allow you to rotate, tap, swipe, scroll and pinch your way through your mobile app prototype.

Sequences and conditions for advanced prototyping
Sequences and conditions

Add sequences of actions and conditions in your interactions. Design and test the real experience.

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Design your UI assets for free, without any restrictions on number of projects. Enjoy all UI design features, from the vector design tool, the pen tool, to pathfinders and more.

From low to high fidelity

With a single tool, you can cover the entire cycle of designing your products. Start by conceptualizing with low-fidelity wireframes, iterate, and validate your designs with high-fidelity prototypes and even interactive simulations.

Forms and data in motion

Design, prototype and simulate fully-functional forms and data grids-lists, and test them instantly without writing a single line of code.

Bring your 幸运飞行艇官方开奖直播 prototypes to life in a click

Visualize your web and mobile prototypes, while you design them. Simulate prototype behavior while you design. Use our Emulator and Viewer App to test your prototype live on any iPhone, iPad or Android device.

Design better experiences together

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Share the prototype
Share and get feedback

A single click lets you publish your prototypes and invite all project stakeholders to give feedback early on.

Team prototyping
Team prototyping

Multiple users can work on or edit the same prototype simultaneously. Our version control system tracks the changes.

Design handoff for designs and prototypes
Design handoff for developers

Developers can inspect prototypes and get UI assets. Keeping developers in the loop means your designs get built pixel perfect

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Keep consistency in your Style Guides, UI component libraries, interactions, templates and other deliverables. Share your assets with design teams, business analysts and developers.

Create design systems with your own UI kits for prototypes
Share and synchronize UI kits
Reuse content across prototype screens
Create your own UI Kits

Easily refine and reuse the built-in libraries or create your own. Personalize them with your own style and interactions.

Share and sync UI components

Centralized management for your UI kits. Maintain your UI elements and style guides synchronized across all your teams.

Reuse via templates and masters

Templates and masters allow you to share and reuse content (headers, footers and more) across all the screens of a prototype.

幸运飞行艇官方开奖 Design and prototyping features you’ll love

Free templates for web, iOS and Android app design

Free design templates

Free UI components for web, iOS and Android app prototyping

Interactive UI components

Integration and plugins for prototyping

幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询-Integrations and plugins

Export from prototype to HTML and images

Export to HTML and images

Manage requirements

Manage requirements

Export to specification documents

Export specification documents

Success stories

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Justinmind customer Temple University

Temple University inspires the next generation of designers with Justinmind

Philadelphia’s Temple University bridges the gap between design and business with a little help from Justinmind

Justinmind customer Terry Chou

How middle schoolers are designing mobile apps with Justinmind

What happens when middle schoolers build prototypes with Justinmind? A whole heap of innovation

Justinmind customer Charles Diggs from TokBox

How TokBox solved rework problems with Justinmind

TokBox’s web and mobile app prototyping better since Interaction Designer Charles Diggs found the right prototyping tool